Mental Health

A gift for the heart and mind
Moving to a new country is an emotional challenge. Distance, homesickness and adaptation can affect your well-being.
At boxME, we not only send little pieces of Mexico, we also want to support our travelers with a psychological support service. We also share tools and contacts where you can find professional help.
If you need to talk or know where to find support, we are here for you. Contact us and receive free guidance. Because your well being is the most important thing, no matter the distance.
Helpline numbers
1. Life Line
The National Commission against Addictions' Citizen Assistance Center, Línea de la Vida, offers personalized attention to the population regarding problems associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances and mental health.
- Phones: 800 911 2000
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Facebook: Life Line
- Twitter: @LineaDe_LaVida
- Instagram: @LineaDe_LaVida
- Email:
2. SAPTEL Counseling
The National System of Support, Psychological Counselling and Crisis Intervention by Telephone offers a free psychological therapy service provided by certified psychologists.
- Phones: 555 259 8121 and 800 472 7835
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Headquarters: Mexico City
- Web:
- Twitter: @saptelcrlyc
- Facebook: @SAPTEL
3. LOCATEL Helpline
Offers free psychological care by phone, support in contingencies and disasters.
The “Psychological Chat” system provides guidance, counseling and emotional support in crisis.
- Phone: 555 658 1111
- LOCATEL Psychological Chat
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
4. Citizen Council
The Citizen Council for Security and Justice provides free legal advice and psychological care by phone and WhatsApp to the general public.
- Telephone: 555 533 5533.
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Headquarters: Mexico City.
- Web:
- Email:
- Twitter: @elconsejomx
- Facebook: @ConsejoCiudadanoMx
The National Commission to Prevent Violence against Women provides free, ongoing and confidential legal guidance and psychological therapy.
- Phones: 555 209 8907 555 209 8902
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Headquarters: Mexico City
- Web: /CONAVIM_Centers
- Email:
- Twitter: @CONAVIM_MX
- Facebook: @CONAVIM.MX
6. UNAM Helpline
The Faculty of Psychology at UNAM has a Call Center, where its operators offer assistance to those who are going through a bad time.
The Faculty of Psychology's Call Center has 6 lines, which operate from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., through the number 56 22 22 88.
7. Distance Medicine
The Telephone Assistance Center of the Ministry of Health of Mexico City provides free medical, nutritional and psychological counseling services.
- Telephone 555 132 0909
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Headquarters: Mexico City
- Web: /Distance_Medicine
- E-mail:
8. Educatel
The Ministry of Public Education (SEP), through Educatel , offers psychological support to the population that requires it, with the support of educational institutions throughout the country.
- Telephone 55 3601 7599 and 800 288 66 88
The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) also has a Mental Health Telephone Medical Guidance service through the number 800-2222-668, option 4, where psychologists and psychiatrists provide care, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.